We are very proud of our growers and their ethos towards organic and environmentally friendly farming. Get to know our growers and find out more about where your food is coming from.

Tablehurst Farm
Tablehurst Farm's aim is to treat nature and animals in a way that meets their natural needs. The result is truly sustainable, healthy and tasty food which is biodynamically grown.
As community farm, Tablehurst aim to provide possibilities for people to understand farming and food production better. They encourage people to visit the farm, both as visitors and customers, to re-connect to the land and their food.
Tablehurst is a co-operative, meaning that it is owned and run by jointly by the members, and all benefit equally from the farm.

Orchard Eggs
Orchard Eggs is a family-run biodynamic farm rearing hens (and their cockerels) to the highest welfare standards, allowing the birds to roam freely throughout the day and night. We buy our eggs from them, we particularly love the care they put into looking after their hens. Every two weeks, Daniel and Karen physically move the hen houses across the fields to ensure that the hens don't over peck the soil, and that they can forage throughout the day.
Their eggs have a beautifully golden yolk. This is due to the 100% organic grain diet and the birds' happy lifestyle. Their eggs are packed on the farm and we collect them fresh every week.

Cherry Gardens
Cherry Gardens is farmed using biodynamic principles where they raise all of their plants from seed. They operate an extensive rotation on the farm, with a proportion of the land down to fertility building crops every year such as clovers, grasses and chicory to build soil health.
They maintain and develop hedgerows, field margins and rough areas to encourage as diverse a habitat as possible to support insect and bird life for all the benefits they bring to the ecology and environment of the farm.
All the fruit and vegetables are grown to organic standards certified by the Biodynamic Association Certification Scheme.

Michael Hall School
Michael Hall School is a Steiner school in Forest Row. They ensure that their students learn about gardening, growing and the environment. Children have their own garden beds, and it is here that their gardening lessons take place. In winter, they roam beyond the garden into the rest of the Michael Hall estate to learn about woodland management.
The large remainder of the garden is a thriving productive market garden. They have their own garden which grows seasonal vegetables and fruit all year round, and supplies the local community with fresh produce. The aim is to combine beauty in the garden with growing an abundance of good biodynamic vegetables for the school canteen, the garden shop and the local community.

Perry Court
Perry Court is one of several that are farmed by Patrick Brockman. This is Kent’s longest-running organic farm. It’s a family farm of around 200 acres lying in a valley of the North Downs between the villages of Chartham and Garlinge Green. Traditional crop rotation is used for fertility building as well as weed, pest and disease control. The land has now been free of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides for up to five decades, during this period the soils have improved, showing higher organic matter levels as well as increased biological activity and improved soil structure. Crop yields have also increased over this period. The farm practices biodynamic farming and places great importance on breed and variety selection for quality and taste.

Capel Mushrooms
Capel Mushrooms were one of the first organic mushroom growers in the country. Capel work as part of a co-operative with another organic grower, Gourmet Mushrooms, who produce speciality mushrooms such as Pleurotus (similar to Oyster) and Shii-take. The mushrooms that result are of the highest quality and supplied fresh to us. The farm is capable of producing up to 30,000 lb a week, depending on demand and success rates. Besides the mushrooms, the spent compost is a valuable output, used by gardeners and organic farmers as a useful source of fertility.

Selehurst Gardens
Selehurst Gardens is the home of Blueberry Bob and his fabulous blueberries. Blueberries have grown naturally wild in the form of billberrys in the farm area for decades, so it makes sense that Bob organically produces large full flavoured berries packed with natural goodness here because he already knows that they're happy with the soil conditions - blueberries grow well in the shallow acid clay soil associated with this part of West Sussex. Selehurst Gardens takes the management of habitat around the fields very seriously. They now encourage many wild flora and fauna, including, dormice, grass snakes, slow worms, adders, stoats and weasels.
Home Farm
Home Farm has been an organic farm for nearly twenty years. It works hard to keep the fertility up on their organic land with a well-planned rotation and inputs of organic mushroom compost and chicken manure. They also establish cover crops at every opportunity between cash crops. The farm has made heavy investment in reservoirs, pumps and underground infrastructure to insure all the organic land is very well served with water. We buy a large amount of our produce from Home Farm.

If you would like to learn more about our growers then read our blog - you'll find in-depth interviews and information on the farms and the people that grow the food that you eat.